Sunday, March 9, 2014

Kids Sharing Ice Cream - Oil On Canvas 24" x 30"

Prior Commissioned work

The subject matter was somewhat difficult to compose together, in the beginning.   A summation of both classes, because there had been so much information with so many questions going in and an even greater amount upon the conclusion of the two, I had to think objectively and with abstraction as well.  So after a few weeks of letting the idea percolate, as you so cleverly put it, I came up with an idea.  I even looked into the word percolate and surprisingly, what I gathered was " extract the essence," so I choose the subject matter of kids sharing ice cream.  
            This just really got to the root of everything and was simple enough to make enough of a splash that the reverbs within the heart of the message will echo continuously throughout time.    With that in mind, I looked for an image that contained a bit of that "essence" and how fitting in which I found a reference photo so intricate with intermixing,  that it obtained different genders and races all compacted into this one picture of a little girl and a little boy sharing ice cream.  The awesome that is already prevalent in the child before the indoctrination of a shared and possibly biased ideology.   Engineered  with gender specificity in mind, as children are adopted into gender specific roles at very early ages, I wanted to highlight the colors of their shirts as the process of socialization had already begun, but only to the point of apparel, as innocence and impartiality still remained.   Notice the expression upon the kids faces, which is always open to interpretation within any art form, but to me, the only concern is getting enough ice cream, or rather getting a taste. 
            Powerful and profound I found the image, and immediately I knew I had to transform this concept into a painting infused with my own style and spirit (and quite possibly a few bits of my cat's hair).  Which I'm quite sure if you look closely enough, you will find all three!  :)
            Thank you Deb for this opportunity and for opening my eyes to the world, society and a purpose driven future.  You told us truth, exposed our history and in doing so, moved me into a position to make an impact!  
~ I deeply respect and admire you,  sincerely,  Jamie Rodgers

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

*note Professor Deb Bishop @ LCC, has dared to become the one of the few people in my life who not only revealed to me truth, but showed me how to adjust my sails.  Here is to
new horizons!

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