Tuesday, March 25, 2014

James Brown 24" x 30" Oil on Canvas

James Brown, the true godfather of funk.  One of my third paintings under the black and white value concept.  The main focus was that you could visaully see music, if ever there was a thing, but to convey a sense of almost hearing the music, or rather his vioce, come right through the painting.  I think it was a successful feat in that regard.  But mostly what was so important to my growth as a fine artist, was that when I finally sold this one, I got exactly what I asked.  No one tried to gas me up and get a deal or swindle me out of the time, energy, work, creativity I put into it.  This turned my confidence up a notch, to now was I not only painting with bolder strokes, but I knew that if the content spoke volumes by itself, than overall, the art will sell itself.  The artist can now dettach from what he birthed, by way of compesation for the aforementioned traits.  The gentleman just knew that his son would love this so much and it was perfect for a Christmas gift, as his son loves music, so this one became a game changer.  I saw the man who purchased this about a year later and he thanked me and said his son loves it and is inspired by it.  waa-laa!  like magic!  I stood in faith that someone would come along and fully appreciate the art for what it was and how it could amplify a part of their own lives to the extent that they would reciprocate value in kind to hold ownership... and what do you know?! Milestone!

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